Brighter Hope Foundation Liberia

Started 24th February 2017 by Michael Dewo Cole


Brighter Hope Foundation Liberia is a not-for-profit, non-governmental organization established in Liberia in 2017 to mobilize resources and to promote and support sustainable youth, children empowerment and rural development initiatives in Liberia.

 Brighter Hope Foundation Liberia is governed by a Board of Trustees and a Management Committee made up of widely experienced professionals representing diverse communities and interests. Our life-changing and community development programs are funded by membership contributions and public donations.

Brighter Hope Foundation Liberia is an organization that promotes and advocates for the empowerment and rights of Liberian children and youth. Promoting Children, youth and women’s rights and also to see the need for women, Children and Youth equal participation in political, economic, social and cultural spheres. And that women, Children and youth have equal access to resources and opportunities, and the eradication of all forms of inequality and discrimination in public and private domains.   

Brighter Hope Foundation Liberia seeks to empower Liberian women, Children and youth to play a stronger role as agents of change/ decision-makers in community development and to participate in all areas of social, political and economic development.

Brighter Hope Foundation Liberia focuses on the following gender issues: The Rights of Women, Children Youth, Peace & Security, and Violence against Women and children, Social & Political Participation & Leadership, Economic Empowerment, HIV/AIDS & Reproductive Health and Education.


Our aims Our Objectives Our Mission


Tel: 231-880-785-239